
Microsoft Excel Formula Course

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Microsoft Excel Formula Course

About The Course

You’ll start with the basics, erecting a solid foundation that will give you further knowledge as you progress into intermediate and advanced position motifs. Enroll now to go through a deep dive into the most popular spreadsheet tool on the request, Microsoft Excel. As a Microsoft Certified Trainer, I’ll use my 20 times of Excel training to guide you step by step through the freshman to advanced position and beyond.

As you share in each of the sections you will master Excel tools that will clear away the pain of stumbling through your diurnal tasks. You’ll start with the basics, erecting a solid foundation that will give you further knowledge as you progress into intermediate and advanced position motifs.

At the completion of this course, you will have learned the most popular Excel tools and come out with the confidence to complete any Excel tasks with effectiveness and grace. Below are just many of the motifs that you’ll master:

Creating effective spreadsheets
Managing large sets of data
Mastering the use of some of Excel’s most popular and highly sought-after functions (SUM, VLOOKUP, IF, AVERAGE, INDEX/MATCH, and many more…)
Audit Excel Worksheet formulas to ensure clean formulas
Automate your day-to-day Excel tasks by mastering the power of Macros and VBA


Excel on its own can have a significant career impact. Although there is only one program, hiring managers are most interested in it. Because of this, having basic Excel skills is now a requirement for the majority of professionals who work in offices. You could be promoted if you have excellent Excel skills. That is a prerequisite for some positions.


There are two audiences for this comprehensive Excel training:

Excel Beginner Users, also known as people who want to learn Excel from the ground up;

Excel intermediates, as well as Excel advanced users, want to ensure that their skills cover all of the fundamentals.

This includes a lot of hidden Excel features and tricks that only data analysts are aware of. Everything a novice Excel user needs to know is covered in the Excel Essentials for the Real World Course. However, for Excel Intermediate and Advanced users, it also fills in the gaps. It is intended for professionals in corporate settings who are familiar with Excel but lack complete confidence. This is not just an Excel Fundamentals Course. It starts out simple and includes tips and tricks that many advanced Excel users are unaware of.


Yes. You can learn the essential Excel features and functions through a variety of Microsoft Excel courses. However, are you able to apply your knowledge to your own files?

Do you get enough challenges and practice to make sure you remember everything new?

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to design simple to complex spreadsheets with confidence. You’ll go beyond the basics of Excel. You will be able to immediately apply what you have learned to your job as you progress through the course.

You’ll learn new formulas and improve the way your spreadsheets are set up. The management team values speed.

You will solve dozens of examples from the real world in this course. They will encourage you to think creatively so that you can work smarter rather than harder.

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What Will You Learn?

Master Microsoft Excel formula course from Beginner to Advanced

Build a strong understanding of the Basics Formulas of Microsoft Excel

Learn the very common Excel functions & formulas used in the Office

Learn how to maintain large sets of Microsoft Excel data in a table or list

Make your boss wow by unlocking dynamic formulas with IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH functions, and many more

Access to a Professional Trainer with 10+ years of Excel Training

Course Curriculam

Section 1: Microsoft Excel Basic Functions
Microsoft Excel is a popular spreadsheet software that can be used to perform a wide range of functions, from basic calculations to complex data analysis. Here are some of the basic functions of Excel: Basic Calculations: Excel can perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These calculations can be performed using the formula bar or by using the SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX functions. Sorting and Filtering: Excel allows you to sort and filter data to help you find the information you need quickly. This can be done by selecting the data and using the sort and filter commands on the Home tab. Conditional Formatting: This function allows you to format cells based on specific conditions. For example, you can highlight cells that contain a certain value or that meet a certain criteria. Charts and Graphs: Excel allows you to create professional-looking charts and graphs to help you visualize your data. You can choose from a variety of chart types and customize the colors, labels, and other settings to suit your needs. Pivot Tables: Pivot tables allow you to summarize and analyze large amounts of data quickly and easily. They can be used to create summary reports, identify trends, and answer complex questions. Formulas and Functions: Excel has a wide range of built-in functions and formulas that can be used to perform complex calculations and analysis. These functions can be used to calculate financial data, analyze statistical data, and perform many other types of analysis. Macros and VBA: Excel also has a powerful programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). This allows you to automate repetitive tasks, create custom functions, and build your own applications within Excel. Overall, Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for a wide range of functions, from basic calculations to complex data analysis. By mastering the basic functions of Excel, you can save time and increase your productivity.

  • How to Use SUM Function by using different Methods?
  • How to Use AVERAGE Function by using different Methods?
  • How to Use MIN Function by using multiple methods
  • How to Use MAX Function in Excel? With different methods
  • How to Use COUNT Function in Excel
  • How to use COUNT BLANK Function?
  • How to Use COUNTA Function in Excel

Section 2: Learn About Excel’s Text Based Functions
In this section, you will learn about Text Functions for example Upper, Lower & Proper case etc.

Section 3: Working with Excel’s Lookup Functions
In This Section, we will discount about Microsoft Excel Lookup Function. For example: 1. VLOOKUP Function 2. HLOOKUP Function 3. MATCH Function 4. INDEX Function 5. INDEX MATCH Function

Section 4: Learn about Excel Database Functions
In this section, we will discuss about Microsoft Excel Database functions for example DSUM, DAVERAGE etc.

Section 5: Learn about Excel Conditional Functions
In this section, we will learn about conditional formulas for example IF, IF AND, IF OR etc.



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  • DP

    Disha Patel

    4 months ago