
Python for Excel

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Python for Excel

About The Course


Welcome! This course is here to help you automate Excel tasks to gain significant time.

Programming is certainly a word you may have heard when working in Excel. It is often associated with VBA. Python is however an open-source programming language that offers way more flexibility and is simpler to get started with. Rest assured, I’ve been working with Python for a few years now and I wanted to offer you the quickest past to automate tasks in your Excel files. No need to know anything about programming, I’ll show you how to get started from scratch.

This course does not aim to teach you everything about Python but rather to guide you on your quickest path to success.

Concretely, here’s what we’ll learn:

  • How to install Python
  • The basics of programming
  • What libraries to use
  • How to read and write in Excel
  • How to perform Excel functions in Pythons: VLOOKUP, SUMIF, filters, remove duplicates, etc.
  • How to use Pandas, OpenPyXl
  • Some programmer tips and tricks to go beyond and automate further

This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:

  • There are many hands-on lectures in every section
  • There are quizzes scattered in most sections
  • Some practical examples that you can reuse for your own projects
  • And a proper environment to program and go beyond just Python for Excel

Who this course is for:

  • Business Analysts in Finance
  • Data Analysts in Geology
  • Analysts with a strong need to automate Excel repetitive tasks
  • Analysts dealing with Excel files too large to handle
What Will You Learn?

Automate Excel repetitive tasks with Python

Work with large Excel documents

Save time by automating Excel tasks

Learn some practical programming knowledge

Course Curriculam

1. Introduction
Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of tasks, including data analysis and manipulation. When it comes to working with Excel, Python can be used to automate tasks, perform calculations, and generate reports. There are several libraries in Python that allow you to work with Excel files, the most popular ones being: pandas: pandas is a powerful library for data manipulation and analysis. It provides functions for reading and writing Excel files, and allows you to manipulate Excel data with ease. openpyxl: openpyxl is a library for working with Excel files that allows you to read, write, and modify Excel files. It supports all Excel file formats, including .xlsx, .xlsm, and .xltx. xlrd and xlwt: These are libraries for reading and writing Excel files in the older .xls format. Here is a simple example of how to read an Excel file using pandas: python import pandas as pd # read Excel file df = pd.read_excel('file.xlsx') # print first 5 rows of data print(df.head()) And here is an example of how to write data to an Excel file using pandas: python Copy code import pandas as pd # create dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['John', 'Sarah', 'Bob'], 'Age': [25, 30, 35]}) # write dataframe to Excel file df.to_excel('output.xlsx', index=False) These are just a few examples of how Python can be used for Excel. With its powerful libraries and flexibility, Python is a great choice for working with Excel data.

  • Quick intro of myself
  • Why programming and why Python
  • What for and who would benefit from it
  • Content overview
  • Feedback

2. Set up your laptop/Desktop

3. Programming Main Concepts

4. Python Main Concepts

5. Libraries

6. Read and Write from and to Excel

7. From Excel to Python



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  • RM

    Rohan Meravi

    2 weeks ago
    It's helpful for me by enhancing my knowledge
  • SS

    Shubham Shrivastava

    4 months ago
    Very good and concise explanation.