
What Are the 3 Side Hustle Ideas on Linkedin in 2024?

3 LinkedIn Side Hustle Ideas To Try In 2024

Now that you recognize the opportunities on LinkedIn, here are three methods to establish a thriving side business, demonstrating your industry expertise and boosting your income:

1. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is a part of LinkedIn that focuses on professional training and development, catering to both enterprise-level needs and individuals aiming to enhance their skills and advance their careers. After consistently building your brand and influence on the platform by showcasing expertise in a specific subject, you might consider becoming a LinkedIn Learning Instructor to create and sell professional development courses.

It’s crucial to understand that LinkedIn Learning differs from platforms like Udemy. You cannot simply propose a course and get instant approval. LinkedIn is selective, choosing the best course creators who offer content most relevant to their members’ needs. Once accepted, you not only earn money from course sales but also gain increased credibility and potential clients due to your status as a LinkedIn Learning Instructor.

2. Job Referrals

If your employer is searching for a new team member, and there’s a referral bonus program in place, leverage your extensive network. It’s crucial to emphasize the importance of building meaningful connections rather than accepting every request or sending invites for popularity.

Prioritize quality over quantity when expanding your network. Focus on connecting with individuals who can positively impact your career, contribute meaningfully to your industry, and maintain a professional online presence. These are the contacts you can recommend to your employer when they have job openings, especially if there are multiple vacancies. Not only could your connections secure a job, but you may also earn a bonus if they succeed in the hiring process.

3. Offer Consulting Or Coaching

As your network expands and you solidify your authority by offering valuable content that addresses your audience’s challenges, consider offering your freelance services as a coach or consultant in your industry. You may begin by providing services for free or at a discounted rate initially to promote yourself, gather referrals, and then gradually raise your fees over time.

Crucially, the key to success in establishing a side business or earning additional income on LinkedIn is to consistently interact with your network, deliver value in your posts and interactions, nurture meaningful connections, and position your profile as an authority in your field.

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